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Privacy Policy

LeisureCom Pty Ltd is a responsible organisation. We value our customers, therefore this Privacy Statement is binding upon LeisureCom Pty Ltd together with its directors and employees and is entered in the minutes of the company.

All information collected from our customers and members is treated as strictly confidential and is used only for the purpose of communicating with our customers and members.

LeisureCom Pty Ltd does and will not not give, sell or transfer information regarding our customers and members to any other organisation. Privacy is secure to the extent that the information gathered in the course of business will not be disclosed to any other company or individual except as directed by law.

If you require access to your information, please contact LeisureCom Pty Ltd at the following contact points

The Privacy Officer
LeisureCom Pty Ltd
PO Box 3419
Australia Fair Q 4215
Phone (07) 55551800
Fax (07) 55311350

This Privacy Statement applies to all business activities of LeisureCom Pty Ltd (ACN), including its website, direct mail and telemarketing activities to the extent that they affect or involve the collection, use, disclosure or handling of personal information.

   understands the importance to its customers and members of the discreet and confidential handling of their personal information. It is LeisureCom Pty Ltd’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles contained in that Act in all activities of LeisureCom Pty Ltd the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information.

In this Privacy Statement personal information means information (including information or opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion (source: Privacy Act 1988).


LeisureCom Pty Ltd will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.

Where practicable, LeisureCom Pty Ltd will make known the purpose for which it is collecting personal information and will collect personal information concerning an individual only from that individual.

Use and Disclosure

LeisureCom Pty Ltd will not use personal information concerning an individual for a purpose other than the primary purpose for which it was collected, unless LeisureCom Pty Ltd has obtained the consent of the individual to use of that information for a secondary purpose.

LeisureCom Pty Ltd may use personal information for a purpose other than the primary purpose (known as a secondary purpose), without explicit consent from the individual, only if the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose, or there is a reasonable expectation that the information could be used for a secondary purpose.

For example, in the event of a customer or member purchasing a product or service from LeisureCom Pty Ltd as a result of a telephone call, it could be reasonably expected that a related secondary purpose such as mail of a Newsletter could follow.

If it is not practicable to obtain the individual's consent and the individual has made known to LeisureCom Pty Ltd the individual's desire not to receive any further direct marketing and/or telemarketing communications, LeisureCom Pty Ltd will cease any direct marketing and/or telemarketing communications to the individual.

LeisureCom Pty Ltd generates its own "do not mail" and "do not call" lists. LeisureCom Pty Ltd also follows the regulations and procedures requires as part of the ACMA “Do Not Call” register.

Personal information collected and/or stored by LeisureCom Pty Ltd for an individual will not be disclosed to any other third party, unless the individual has been first contacted by a director or authorised employee of LeisureCom Pty Ltd via mail or telephone, asked to opt in, and has consented to do so.

Data Quality

LeisureCom Pty Ltd will take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information that it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date.


LeisureCom Pty Ltd maintains data security insofar as data is possible to protect through virus protection and internal quality procedures.

Open Access

On request by individuals, LeisureCom Pty Ltd will make known to those individuals the types of personal information it holds, the purpose for which it is held and how LeisureCom Pty Ltd collects, holds and uses that information.

On request by an individual, but subject to the exceptions prescribed by the National Privacy Principles, LeisureCom Pty Ltd will provide the individual with access to their personal information and will allow that individual a reasonable opportunity to correct any inaccuracies or out-of-date information.

A request for access to the personal information held by LeisureCom Pty Ltd concerning an individual can be made by that individual to LeisureCom Pty Ltd 's Privacy Officer on the numbers or address mentioned above. A fee may apply.


LeisureCom Pty Ltd will not use tax file numbers or other government-issued identifiers, other than the ABN, to identify a record of personal information relating to an individual.


LeisureCom Pty Ltd will maintain the anonymity of an individual in a database of personal information unless the identity of the individual is necessary to perform a lawful activity.

Other Transfer of Information

LeisureCom Pty Ltd will not transfer personal information relating to an individual outside Australia unless the individual has consented to such a transfer and LeisureCom Pty Ltd has satisfied itself that the recipient of the personal information will uphold principles for the handling of personal information which are similar to the National Privacy Principles.

Any questions or comments concerning LeisureCom Pty Ltd privacy policies and practices, any requests for access to an individual's personal information held by LeisureCom Pty Ltd and any general privacy inquiries should be addressed as above.


We and our trusted third party service providers may, from time to time, use "cookies" to store your preferences, record session information and collect information on how you visit and access our web pages and newsletters. This information allows us to continually improve our services to provide you with a better overall experience.

Cookies are small files stored on your computer which allow us to recognise you when you return to our site. Cookies can make the web more useful by storing information about your preferences on a particular site. The use of cookies is an industry standard and many websites use them to provide useful features for you. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify you, only your computer.

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